Sickness and Injury Benefits in New York

Sickness and Injury Benefits in New York

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Sickness and injury benefits help you keep up your income while you are unable to work due to a nonoccupational sickness or injury. You may also be eligible for supplementary sick and injury benefits under certain circumstances. This insurance is separate from your regular health plan coverage. If you have other health insurance, you cannot combine your periods of insurance with those from the Society (including the Voluntary Continuation Health Insurance System and mutual aid associations). You will receive an additional sum under this program if you continue to be unable to work due to the same condition for which you received an ordinary injury and sickness allowance.

In New York State, workers' compensation provides medical treatment and cash payments that partially replace your lost wages while you recover from a work-related injury or illness. The amount of wage replacement varies by union contract, the date on which you became disabled and the options that you exercise during your recovery period.

Workers' compensation also covers a number of conditions that develop over time due to your work environment, such as respiratory illnesses, like asthma and chronic bronchitis. It also covers hearing loss caused by exposure to excessive noise levels in your job, such as that found in construction or manufacturing jobs.

If you are injured or have an illness that prevents you from working, you should notify your employer as soon as possible. You will need to provide proof of your inability to work, such as a doctor's note or hospital discharge papers. Once your claim is accepted, you will be entitled to medical care for your condition and a portion of your regular gross pay while you are out of work, up to the maximum rate set by the state. You must follow your health care provider's recommendations to speed up your recovery and return to work as quickly as possible.

You can supplement your 傷病手当金earnings from the statutory worker's compensation benefit by using your accrual banks, which include supplemental vacation, PTO and sick leave. The first seven days that you are absent from work due to a qualifying injury or illness will be paid from your accumulated bank balances in the order listed above, starting with your supplemental vacation account. If your disability continues beyond the seventh day, you can choose to use your other accrual banks in the order they are listed above or opt-in to continue receiving the weekly accident and sickness benefit.

If you do not wish to use your accrual bank balances, you can request an extension of your statutory accident and sickness benefit for up to 13 weeks by filing Form CA-0007 with the Public Employment Security Office, along with your doctor's notes and a time analysis sheet. This is in addition to any leave you might have already taken or will take under your applicable collective agreement. If you have been awarded unemployment, the statutory benefits will cease when your eligibility for that benefit ends.

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